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April 17, 2023Can Bed Bugs Bite My Pet?

Can Bed Bugs Bite My Pet? Pets bring joy to every household. As a pet owner, consider their health and welfare. These lovely creatures are like humans too. Pets need to eat healthy foods, practice good hygiene and require protection from threats. Did you know that even if they are securely at home, pets can still experience harm?
One risk is something many overlook due to its tiny size. It is none other than bed bugs or bed bites! Can bed bugs bite my pet? Yes, and it results in itching, discomfort, and mental distress. In the worst cases, it can lead to skin lesions and infection.
What are Bed Bugs?

These small, flat, wingless insects can hide in between furniture cracks. They do not fly, but their critters crawl fast. Getting bitten by bed bugs causes itching and a swollen red spot on the skin. It is often mistaken for flea or mosquito bites. Bed bugs, fortunately, do not transmit disease. However, they still cause discomfort, and continuous scratching on the affected area can lead to abrasion.
An open wound is also possible and susceptible to infection. There are also cases of allergic reactions. These parasites attack humans, dogs, cats, and birds. They can live in animal fur and make your pet very upset.
How to Know if You’re Home is at Risk?

Bed bugs can infest your home when hitching on your luggage, gym bags, or even the cuff of your pants. Observe your pet and yourself. Do you notice red spots in a line formation? If yes, the home is infested and needs immediate action.
Bed bugs like to live in the small cracks in furniture, curtain rods, wallpaper creases, and even on car seats. Finding their exact location is a bit tricky. There are clues to find and observe. Inspect wooden furniture for cracks or any signs of openings. Next, check the surroundings for exoskeleton remnants or black bug droppings.
How to get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are health threats to your home, especially to your pets. They feed on blood and can cause discomfort. These critters prefer infesting the bedroom or living room. The following measures prevent them from multiplying further.
1. Wash Bedding in Hot Water
Bed bugs can survive extreme temperatures up to 122°F. If you suspect they are in the bedroom, wash the bedding with hot water. It will help eliminate the bugs. It is also advisable to use bed bug-proof mattress covers to keep your bed safe.
2. Vacuum Bedframes and other Furniture
Intense vacuuming can catch adult bed bugs from hard-to-reach places. Make sure to go through cracks, corners, and other small openings. Do the same for furnishings, like bed frames, dressers, couches, cabinets, and coffee tables. Please don’t leave any area unturned.
3. Use Commercially Available Chemical Treatments
Use chemical treatments to eliminate bed bugs and prevent their eggs from hatching. It can come in the form of foggers or sprays. These are recommendable since they can penetrate narrow spaces. However, do not apply any of these solutions to your pet. It is toxic and will do more harm than good.
4. Call for Pest Control
Do you still notice an infestation after your initial actions? It is best to seek professional help. Pest control will conduct harsher chemical treatments or fumigation. After the procedure, keep your pet away from the area for four to six hours. Pesticides can cause harm, so it is best to be cautious. The same rule applies to everyone at home.
5. Keep Your Home Clutter Free
Bed bugs like to infest areas where there is less activity. If you have a lot of clutter at home, it can also be a habitat for them. Reduce risks by throwing or giving away what you do not need. A clean and organized home can lessen the threat of infestation.
Can Bed Bugs Bite My Pet? – Final Thoughts:

The answer to the question “Can bed bugs bite my pet?” is a yes. Bed bugs feed both on animal and human blood to survive. These parasites can cause swollen spots to appear that are very itchy. They can also cause an allergic reaction that will require immediate medical attention. Leaving them around can increase the risk of skin lesions and open wound infections. It is best to keep your home tidy and seek professional help to eliminate them all.