How Often Should Dogs Get Groomed?
September 23, 2020
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December 7, 2020Can I Groom My Dog Myself?

Can I Groom My Dog Myself? Until this 2020 it was very common for all tasks related to cleaning, hygiene, and grooming of your dog to be done at a veterinarian, at the local pet store, or at an expert place such as a dog groomer.
But this year things have changed considerably, our routines have been turned upside down and we have had to learn to reinvent ourselves.
Changing our habits and learning to do a lot of new things that until now we delegated to third parties has been key to getting through these chaotic months.
As we know that the hygiene and grooming of our dogs are very important for us, in this article we will tell you some tips on how to do these tasks at home.
Can I groom my dog myself?

Yes, we can comb them, clean them, trim their nails, and even cut their hair. But we will have to take some issues into account if we want to do it safely. If any of the steps are done wrong, our dog or even we can get hurt.
In case you are not comfortable with any of the steps, it will be better to delegate those tasks to experts such as vets.
Tools needed

- A comb or brush suitable for our dog’s coat. You can ask your vet or the expert from your local trusted store for advice.
- Dog shampoo, for the shower. Optionally you can look for other cleaning products for the shower such as hair detanglers.
- Nail clippers for dogs, there are several sizes.
- Styptic powder, in case it bleeds when cutting nails.
- Scissors for cutting hair.
- Electric grooming clipper for dogs.
- It is very important that you check that it is special for dogs. Do not use your regular razor. Recommended number 10 blades to avoid cutting their skin.
Step 1. Brush them

The reason we recommend combing their hair before you start is that all subsequent steps will become much easier. Doing so will prevent the bathtub from filling up with loose hairs and mud or grass debris that may have snagged.
First of all, to choose the right comb or brush for your dog, you can consult with your veterinarian or the local dog store. Each breed of dog has a different type of coat: some have long fur, some short, some curly, and some straight.
Depending on the type of coat, one brush will be better than another, and they will even recommend combining several to achieve the smoothest result.
It is important to comb your dog regularly, several times a week (at least once). Doing this regularly will allow your dog to feel comfortable with the process and will prevent it from getting dirt or tangles that are too large to be easily undone.
Step 2. The bath

The process of bathing him is not very complicated. It should be done on a regular basis but not needed to be done weekly. If you have brushed your dog before, you will prevent it from getting the bathtub too hairy and muddy too quickly and you will be able to clean it more comfortably.
Above all, be sure to use products that are suitable for dogs to avoid itching. Also, soap is likely to get into their eyes and mouth, so make sure it is not toxic to them. Don’t use human products on them because they could be dangerous to their health.
When you finish bathing them, you can comb again to untangle the knots that previously resisted. Without dirt it will be easier to have perfectly detangled hair.
Step 3. It’s time to cut their nails

Since it is best to cut their hair when it is dry, you can use the waiting time to cut their nails.
This is a task that should be done regularly, at least once a month. You may feel unable to do it, so it is advisable to go to the vet or an expert to do it or to teach you how to do it at home the first few times. They will be able to recommend the perfect nail clipper size for your dog.
If the nail is cut too far, your dog’s paw may bleed. In that case, we recommend covering the wound with styptic powder, which will stop the bleeding and help it heal quickly.
Step 4. Grooming your dog

For this step it is also likely that you are not comfortable doing it. Ask as much as you need to ask expert veterinarians and dog groomers, watch videos in which you visually learn how to cut it so as not to make mistakes.
And still, the first time it is normal to make a mistake, try to leave the hair long and irregular and not get too close to the skin trying to fix it. It is better to look ugly but not hurt them than the other way around.
To do it well, we recommend you tie your dog with a leash or harness, keep him calm (do it after a tiring walk) and relax him with lots of treats. If he is a very nervous and impulsive dog, better take it to a specialist. You could accidentally hurt him.
Use an electric grooming clipper for large areas such as the back or legs and leave the most delicate areas (armpits, belly, intimate area, and face) to do it with special scissors to cut hair. Do not do it with a human razor or craft scissors, you could have an accident.
Can I Groom My Dog Myself? – Conclusion

So far the recommendations on how to groom your dog at home regularly and safely. And remember that with treats everything will be much easier.